Biological Treatment

Biological treatment of industrial wastewater can improve wastewater quality across several parameters.
For over 20 years, we have been implementing bioaugmentation technologies. By combining air diffusion and the injection of bacteria and enzymes into the process, optimal conditions are created for reducing pollutants in the wastewater stream.

Shva-Technotec represents a leading and advanced American laboratory in the global market, which produces enzymatic and bacterial products for treating a wide range of wastewater pollutants.

Using biological treatment technology in grease separators can significantly reduce suspended solids (TSS), BOD, COD, and total oils, as well as extend the pumping intervals of the separator.

Applying this technology in pump pits and lift stations significantly reduces grease layers, prevents floaters from getting stuck, and avoids pump failures, flooding, and, of course, financial damage and costly repairs.

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